Sensorsystems Retail

Kundenzählung, Besucherzählung, Kundenfrequenzanalyse, Personenzählung, Kundenzähler, Besucherzähler, Personenzähler

People Counting

People counting makes it possible to determine footfall, while distinguishing between children and adults. It is also possible to analyse walking routes. Our technology is based on 3D data and is therefore privacy compliant. The sensors can easily be integrated into existing systems.

You can find details of advanced counting functions here. If required, we are happy to refer you to our statistical software partners for the visualisation of the counting data.


We use this function in the following applications, for example:

Use Case Retail Analytics
Use Case Events

Passanten, Passantenzählung, Passanten zählung, Passantenzähler, passantenmessung, personenzählung, wartezeit, wartezeitmessung, verweildauermessung,

Pedestrian Counting

In combination with an additional mounting kit, the S1000 can also be used for pedestrian counting. Benefit from the high accuracy of our 3D sensors and use reliable data to determine the conversion rate of your store.

In addition to the countintg data, the dwell time of people in front of the window can be analyzed for even further information outside your shop. And all of this remains anonymous and 100% GDPR-compliant.

We use this function in the following applications, for example:
Use Case Pedestrian Counting

Wartezeitenmessung, Bedienzeitmessungen, Warteschlangen erkennen, Einkaufszentren, Supermärkte

Dwell-Time Measurement

Our sensors can measure the time people spend in any area you choose to define. They can determine how long each individual person has spent in which room section.

We use this function in the following applications, for example:

Use Case Retail Analytics

Heatmap Kunden Laufweg-Ermittlung, Personenzähler, Kundenzählung

Queue Detection

One application is in the detection of long waiting times at checkouts, service counters or entrances. If the number of people or the dwell time in a queue becomes excessive, additional staff can be requested or additional checkouts can be opened by automatic signalling, for example. The sensors help you increase service quality in an efficient manner.

We use this function in the following applications, for example:

Use Case Retail Analytics

Raumüberwachung, Foyerüberwachung, Überwachung Bankenvorraum, Sicherheitstechnik, Bildverarbeitung

Multi-Sensor Tracking

Large areas can be analysed by the intelligent networking of several sensors. In this way, the walking routes of individual persons can be reliably tracked via several sensors. Particularly large entrance areas can thus be comprehensively monitored, permitting seamless people counting.

We use this function in the following application, for example:

Use Case Retail Analytics

Our sensors and systems solutions

Intenta S1000 people counter

Our specialist for people-counting and dwell time measurements in the retail sector.

Intenta S2000

The Intenta S2000 offers full flexibility for multifunctional applications.

More products

Learn more about our sensor range and the appropriate system ­ solutions in our product overview.

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